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Manufacturing Of Warps


From Yarn To Warp

The in-house production of the warps takes place in our weaving preparation department. This enables us to react fast and flexible to our customers’ requirements. The different stages of warp production are warping, assembly beaming or sectional beaming. Warps in widths > 300 cms are manufactured for the next production step which is called “the drawing-in of warps”.

Contact Us
Indorama Ventures Mobility Krumbach GmbH & Co. KG
Textilstraße 2
86381 Krumbach, Germany

Telefon +49 (0) 82 82 - 8 97-0
Telefax +49 (0) 82 82 - 8 97-100

UTT is part of the Indorama Ventures Mobility Group – Fibers division

Destination for GPS
86381 Krumbach

Accessible by Hans-Lingl-Straße

Please follow the road until you reach the company
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