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Legal Details


Head Office:

Indorama Ventures Mobility Krumbach GmbH & Co. KG
Textilstraße 2
86381 Krumbach, Germany

Telefon +49 (0) 82 82 – 8 97-0
Telefax +49 (0) 82 82 – 8 97-100

Represented by Managing Director:

Venere Polito
Register of corporations: HRB 4375 “Indorama Ventures Mobility Krumbach Admin GmbH”
Register of corporations: HRA 4242 “Indorama Ventures Mobility Krumbach GmbH & Co. KG”
Registry court: Memmingen
VAT no.: DE811565468



The content of this website was issued with utmost care. The provider will not take over any responsibility on accuracy of statements, completeness and validity of the given data. The use of the website content is at user’s own risk. With the pure use of the website provided no contractual relationship between user and provider is achieved.

Contact Us
Indorama Ventures Mobility Krumbach GmbH & Co. KG
Textilstraße 2
86381 Krumbach, Germany

Telefon +49 (0) 82 82 - 8 97-0
Telefax +49 (0) 82 82 - 8 97-100

UTT is part of the Indorama Ventures Mobility Group – Fibers division

Destination for GPS
86381 Krumbach

Accessible by Hans-Lingl-Straße

Please follow the road until you reach the company
Plan route