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The finishing of fabric starting from loom-state fabric to demanding and technologically top-quality finished products is a textile finishing process. Our finishing line equipped with a number of monitoring devices is one of the latest high-tech finishing machines in the textile world.

Through the finishing process the fabric gains constant technical data which is inevitable for a reliable product made by Indorama Ventures Mobility Krumbach.

Contact Us
Indorama Ventures Mobility Krumbach GmbH & Co. KG
Textilstraße 2
86381 Krumbach, Germany

Telefon +49 (0) 82 82 - 8 97-0
Telefax +49 (0) 82 82 - 8 97-100

UTT is part of the Indorama Ventures Mobility Group – Fibers division

Destination for GPS
86381 Krumbach

Accessible by Hans-Lingl-Straße

Please follow the road until you reach the company
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